Get Latest Fundamentals
Returns the latest periods added to the TagniFi Fundamentals dataset.
Request Parameters
Attribute | Description | Type | Required? | Default | Notes |
last_updated | Return recently modified periods since this date. | Date (ISO8601) | No | |
Returns all periods via paging. |
offset | The number of periods to skip. | Integer | No | 0 | |
limit | The number of periods to return. | Integer | No | 500 | The maximum limit value is 500. |
Here is a sample response from this endpoint. It provides the client with the relevant information for each fiscal period and a link to access the data for each fiscal period directly:
{ "meta": { "copyright": "TagniFi, LLC. 2015-2020" }, "paging": { "results_count": 5409, "results_start": 1, "results_end": 500 }, "periods": [ { "filing_id": "0000049600-16-000077", "company_id": "US0000049600", "statement": "balance_sheet_statement", "period_type": "quarter", "industry_template": "commercial", "fiscal_year": 2016, "fiscal_quarter": 3, "date_deployed": "2016-10-21T21:35:18Z", "fundamentals_link": "/fundamentals?company=US0000049600&statement=balance_sheet_statement&period_type=quarter&fiscal_year=2016&fiscal_quarter=3" }, { "filing_id": "0000049600-16-000077", "company_id": "US0000049600", "statement": "cash_flow_statement", "period_type": "year_to_date", "industry_template": "commercial", "fiscal_year": 2015, "fiscal_quarter": 3, "date_deployed": "2016-10-21T21:35:18Z", "fundamentals_link": "/fundamentals?company=US0000049600&statement=cash_flow_statement&period_type=year_to_date&fiscal_year=2015&fiscal_quarter=3" },