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PrivateComps Data Definitions

Total Enterprise Value (TEV)

The Total Enterprise Value represents the aggregate valuation of a company, including the market value of its equity plus any outstanding debt, minus any cash on the company's balance sheet.

Earnouts (Included in TEV)

Earnouts refer to contingent payments that are part of the total enterprise value and are paid based on the achievement of specified financial targets or milestones post-acquisition.

Term of Earnouts

This field specifies the duration or conditions under which additional payments (earnouts) are made to the sellers after the transaction closes.

LTM Revenue

Latest Twelve Months (LTM) Revenue refers to the total revenue generated by a business over the past 12 months prior to the transaction.

LTM Revenue Growth

This measures the percentage increase in revenue over the latest twelve months compared to the preceding twelve months.


The Latest Twelve Months Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization (EBITDA) is a measure of a company's operating performance.

EBITDA Add-Backs

These are specific expenses or non-recurring costs that are added back to the EBITDA to more accurately represent the ongoing earnings potential of a business. Examples include one-time legal expenses, non-operational losses, or above-market owner salaries.

Senior Debt

Senior Debt refers to the borrowed money that must be repaid first in the event of the borrower's insolvency.

Sr. Debt Interest Rate

The annual interest rate applicable to senior debt.

Junior Debt

Junior Debt refers to loans which are subordinate to senior loans in terms of repayment priority.

Jr. Debt Interest Rate

The annual interest rate applicable to junior debt

Unitranche Debt

Unitranche Debt is a hybrid loan structure that combines senior and junior debt into a single loan with a blended interest rate.

Unitranche Debt Interest Rate

The annual interest rate applicable to unitranche debt.

Indemnification Cap

This is the maximum amount that the seller could be required to pay to the buyer to cover post-transaction liabilities and breaches of warranties.

Indemnification Period

The period over which the seller is liable for indemnification claims after the transaction has been completed.

Basket Amount

The threshold amount of losses the buyer must incur before they can make claims against the seller under the indemnification provisions.

Escrow/Holdback Amount

The portion of the purchase price withheld in an escrow account or held back by the buyer to ensure the seller meets certain post-closing obligations or to cover potential indemnification claims.

Escrow/Holdback Period

The agreed-upon time during which the escrow/holdback amount is held before being released to the seller, contingent upon satisfying the specified conditions or expiration of the period without claims.

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