Insurance Cash Flow Statement Tags
Cash flow statement tags have year_to_date and annual period types.
Name | Tag | Category | Definition |
Net Income | NetIncomeCashFlow | Operating Activities | The consolidated profit or loss for the period, net of income taxes, including the portion attributable to the noncontrolling interest. |
Income (Loss) From Discontinued Operations | IncomeLossDiscontinuedOperations | Operating Activities | Amount of income (loss) from a disposal group, net of income tax before extraordinary items allocable to noncontrolling interests. Includes, net of tax, income (loss) from operations during the phase-out period, gain (loss) on disposal, provision (or any reversals of earlier provisions) for loss on disposal, and adjustments of a prior period gain (loss) on disposal. |
Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization | DepreciationDepletionAmortization | Operating Activities | The aggregate expense recognized in the current period that allocates the cost of tangible assets, intangible assets, or depleting assets to periods that benefit from use of the assets. |
Amortization of Financing Costs and Discounts | AmortizationFinancingCostsDiscounts | Operating Activities | Amount of noncash expense included in interest expense to allocate debt discount and premium, and the costs to issue debt and obtain financing over the related debt instruments. Alternate captions include noncash interest expense. |
Share-Based Compensation | ShareBasedCompensation | Operating Activities | The aggregate amount of noncash, equity-based employee remuneration. This may include the value of stock or unit options, amortization of restricted stock or units, and adjustment for officers' compensation. As noncash, this element is an add back when calculating net cash generated by operating activities using the indirect method. |
Deferred Income Taxes and Tax Credits | DeferredIncomeTaxesTaxCredits | Operating Activities | The net amount of deferred income taxes and income tax credits less the tax benefit from exercise of stock options. |
Gain (Loss) On Sale | GainLossOnSale | Operating Activities | The difference between the sale price or salvage price and the book value of an asset that was sold or retired during the reporting period. This element refers to the gain (loss). |
Equity Method Investments | EquityMethodInvestments | Operating Activities | This item represents the entity's proportionate share for the period of the net income (loss) of its investee (such as unconsolidated subsidiaries and joint ventures) to which the equity method of accounting is applied. This item includes income or expense related to stock-based compensation based on the investor's grant of stock to employees of an equity method investee. |
Restructuring and Impairment Charges | RestructuringImpairmentChargesCashFlow | Operating Activities | The aggregate amount provided for estimated restructuring charges, remediation costs, and asset impairment loss during an accounting period. Generally, these items are either unusual or infrequent, but not both (in which case they would be extraordinary items). |
Extraordinary Items | ExtraordinaryItemsCashFlow | Operating Activities | Net of tax amount of gain (loss) classified as extraordinary item on the cash flow statement, including amount attributable to noncontrolling interests. |
Other Operating Activities | OtherOperatingActivities | Operating Activities | Other cash or noncash adjustments to reconcile net income to cash provided by (used in) operating activities that are not separately disclosed in the statement of cash flows (for example, cash received or cash paid during the current period for miscellaneous operating activities, net change during the reporting period in other assets or other liabilities). |
Change In Deferred Policy Acquisition Costs |
ChangeDeferredPolicyAcquisitionCosts |
Operating Activities |
The increase (decrease) during the reporting period of the net amount of deferred policy acquisition costs capitalized on contracts remaining in force as of the balance sheet date. |
Change In Receivables | ChangeReceivables | Operating Activities | The increase (decrease) during the reporting period of all premiums and other types of receivables due from other persons or entities. |
Change In Reinsurance Recoverables | ChangeReinsuranceRecoverables | Operating Activities | The increase (decrease) during the reporting period of the reinsurance recoverables on paid losses. |
Change In Policy Reserves and Claims | ChangePolicyReservesClaims | Operating Activities | The increase (decrease) during the reporting period of the aggregate amount of policy reserves (provided for future obligations including unpaid claims and claims adjustment expenses) and policy benefits (liability for future policy benefits) as of the balance sheet date; grouped amount of all the liabilities associated with the company's insurance policies. |
Change In Unearned Premiums | ChangeUnearnedPremiums | Operating Activities | The increase (decrease) during the reporting period of premiums written on insurance contracts that have not been earned as of the balance sheet date. |
Change In Accounts Payable | ChangeAccountsPayable | Operating Activities | The increase (decrease) during the reporting period in the aggregate amount of liabilities incurred (and for which invoices have typically been received) and payable to vendors for goods and services received that are used in an entity's business. |
Change In Other Operating Assets and Liabilities, Net | ChangeOtherOperatingAssetsLiabilitiesNet | Operating Activities | The increase (decrease) during the reporting period of all other assets and liabilities used in operating activities. |
Cash From Operating Activities - Continuing Operations | CashOperatingActivitiesContinuingOperations | Operating Activities | The net cash from (used in) the entity's continuing operations. This element specifically EXCLUDES the cash flows derived by the entity from its discontinued operations, if any. This element is only to be used when the entity reports its cash flows attributable to discontinued operations separately from the cash flow provided by or used in operating activities. |
Net Cash From Operating Activities - Discontinued Operations | NetCashOperatingActivitiesDiscontinuedOperations | Operating Activities | This element represents cash provided by or used in the operating activities of the entity's discontinued operations during the period. This element is only used by those entities that separately report cash flows attributable to discontinued operations. If using this element, it is an indication that the cash flows of the entity which are detailed in reconciling to cash provided by or used in operating activities reflect only cash flows attributable to continuing operations. |
Net Cash From Operating Activities | NetCashOperatingActivities | Operating Activities | The net cash from (used in) all of the entity's operating activities, including those of discontinued operations, of the reporting entity. Operating activities generally involve producing and delivering goods and providing services. Operating activity cash flows include transactions, adjustments, and changes in value that are not defined as investing or financing activities. |
Purchase of Property, Plant and Equipment | PurchasePropertyPlantEquipment | Investing Activities | The cash outflow associated with the acquisition of long-lived, physical assets that are used in the normal conduct of business to produce goods and services and not intended for resale; includes cash outflows to pay for construction of self-constructed assets. |
Sale of Property, Plant and Equipment | SalePropertyPlantEquipment | Investing Activities | The cash inflow from the sale of long-lived, physical assets that are used in the normal conduct of business to produce goods and services and not intended for resale. |
Acquisitions | AcquisitionsNet | Investing Activities | The cash outflow associated with the acquisition of a controlling interest in another entity or an entity that is related to it but not strictly controlled (for example, an unconsolidated subsidiary, affiliate, joint venture or equity method investment). |
Divestitures | DivestituresNet | Investing Activities | The cash inflow associated with the amount received from the sale of a business segment or subsidiary or sale of an entity that is related to it but not strictly controlled during the period (for example, an unconsolidated subsidiary, affiliate, joint venture or equity method investment). |
Intangibles | IntangiblesNet | Investing Activities | The cash flow to acquire or sell assets without physical form usually arising from contractual or other legal rights, excluding goodwill. |
Change In Restricted Cash and Investments | ChangeRestrictedCashInvestments | Investing Activities | The net cash inflow or outflow for the increase (decrease) associated with funds that are not available for withdrawal or use (such as funds held in escrow) and are associated with underlying transactions that are classified as investing activities. |
Purchase of Investments | PurchaseInvestments | Investing Activities | The cash outflow associated with the purchase of all investments (debt, security, other) during the period. |
Sale and Maturity of Investments | SaleMaturityInvestments | Investing Activities | The cash inflow associated with the sale, maturity and collection of all investments such as debt, security and so forth during the period. |
Related Party Transactions | RelatedPartyTransactions | Investing Activities | The cash flow associated with the acquisition, sale or advances to an entity that is related to it but not strictly controlled (for example, an unconsolidated subsidiary, affiliate, and joint venture or equity method investment) or the sale or acquisition of an additional interest in a subsidiary (controlled entity). |
Hedging Activities, Net | HedgingActivitiesNet | Investing Activities | The cash outflow or inflow for a financial contract that meets the hedge criteria as either a cash flow hedge, fair value hedge, or hedge of a net investment in a foreign operation. |
Other Investing Activities | OtherInvestingActivities | Investing Activities | The net cash outflow or inflow from other investing activities. |
Net Cash From Investing Activities - Continuing Operations | NetCashInvestingActivitiesContinuingOperations | Investing Activities | The net cash from (used in) the entity's investing activities specifically EXCLUDING the cash flows derived by the entity from its discontinued operations, if any. This element is only to be used when the entity reports its cash flows attributable to discontinued operations separately from the cash flow provided by or used in investing activities. Such reporting would necessitate the entity to use the Net Cash provided by or used in Discontinued Operations, Total element provided in the taxonomy. |
Net Cash From Investing Activities - Discontinued Operations | NetCashInvestingActivitiesDiscontinuedOperations | Investing Activities | This element represents cash provided by or used in the investing activities of the entity's discontinued operations during the period. This element is only used by those entities that separately report cash flows attributable to discontinued operations. If using this element, it is an indication that the cash flows of the entity which are detailed in reconciling to cash provided by or used in investing activities reflect only cash flows attributable to continuing operations. |
Net Cash From Investing Activities | NetCashInvestingActivities | Investing Activities | The net cash inflow or outflow from investing activity. |
Short-Term Debt Issuances (Repayments) | ShortTermDebtIssuancesRepayments | Financing Activities | The net cash inflow or outflow for borrowing having initial term of repayment within one year or the normal operating cycle, if longer. |
Long-Term Debt Issuances | LongTermDebtIssuances | Financing Activities | The cash inflow associated with security instrument that either represents a creditor or an ownership relationship with the holder of the investment security with a maturity of beyond one year or normal operating cycle, if longer. Includes proceeds from (a) debt, (b) capital lease obligations, (c) mandatory redeemable capital securities, and (d) any combination of (a), (b), or (c). |
Long-Term Debt Repayments | LongTermDebtRepayments | Financing Activities | The cash outflow associated with security instruments that either represent a creditor or an ownership relationship with the holder of the investment security with a maturity of beyond one year or normal operating cycle, if longer. Includes repayments of (a) debt, (b) capital lease obligations, (c) mandatory redeemable capital securities, and (d) any combination of (a), (b), or (c). |
Debt Issuance Costs | DebtIssuanceCosts | Financing Activities | The cash outflow for loan and debt issuance costs. |
Equity Issuances | EquityIssuances | Financing Activities | The cash inflow from the issuance of common stock, preferred stock, treasury stock, stock options, and other types of equity. |
Equity Repurchases | EquityRepurchases | Financing Activities | The cash outflow to reacquire common and preferred stock. |
Equity Issuance Costs | EquityIssuanceCosts | Financing Activities | The cash outflow for cost incurred directly with the issuance of an equity security. |
Proceeds From Incentive Plans | ProceedsIncentivePlans | Financing Activities | The total cash inflow associated with the amount received from holders to acquire the entity's shares under incentive and share awards, including stock option exercises. This item inherently excludes any excess tax benefit, which the entity may have realized and reported separately. |
Dividends | CashDividends | Financing Activities | Cash outflow in the form of capital distributions and dividends to common shareholders, preferred shareholders and noncontrolling interests. |
Dividends, Preferred Stock | DividendsPreferredStock | Financing Activities | The cash outflow for the return on capital for preferred shareholders. |
Dividends, Noncontrolling Interests | DividendsNoncontrollingInterests | Financing Activities | The net cash inflow or outflow from noncontrolled interest to increase or decrease the number of shares they have in the entity. This does not include dividends paid to the noncontrolling interest. |
Noncontrolling Interests | NoncontrollingInterestsFinancing | Financing Activities | Amount of cash inflow (outflow) from (to) a noncontrolling interest. Excludes dividends paid to the noncontrolling interest. |
Other Financing Activities | OtherFinancingActivities | Financing Activities | The net cash inflow or outflow from other financing activities. This element is used when there is not a more specific and appropriate element in the taxonomy. |
Net Cash From Financing Activities - Continuing Operations | NetCashFinancingActivitiesContinuingOperations | Financing Activities | The net cash from (used in) the entity's financing activities specifically EXCLUDING the cash flows derived by the entity from its discontinued operations, if any. This element is only to be used when the entity reports its cash flows attributable to discontinued operations separately from the cash flow provided by or used in financing activities. Such reporting would necessitate the entity to use the Net Cash provided by or used in Discontinued Operations, Total element provided in the taxonomy. |
Net Cash From Financing Activities - Discontinued Operations | NetCashFinancingActivitiesDiscontinuedOperations | Financing Activities | This element represents cash provided by or used in the financing activities of the entity's discontinued operations during the period. This element is only used by those entities that separately report cash flows attributable to discontinued operations. If using this element, it is an indication that the cash flows of the entity which are detailed in reconciling to cash provided by or used in financing activities reflect only cash flows attributable to continuing operations. |
Net Cash From Financing Activities | NetCashFinancingActivities | Financing Activities | The net cash inflow or outflow from financing activity for the period. |
Effect of Currency Exchange Rate | EffectCurrencyExchangeRate | Financing Activities | The effect of exchange rate changes on cash balances held in foreign currencies. |
Other Cash Adjustments | OtherCashAdjustments | Financing Activities | Other cash items not classified elsewhere. This can include divestments reported outside of operating, investing and financing activities. |
Change In Cash and Equivalents | ChangeCashEquivalents | Financing Activities | The increase (decrease) during the reporting period in cash and cash equivalents. While for technical reasons this element has no balance attribute, the default assumption is a debit balance consistent with its label. |
Cash Paid for Income Taxes | CashPaidIncomeTaxes | Supplemental | The amount of cash paid during the current period to foreign, federal, state, and local authorities as taxes on income, net of any cash received during the current period as refunds for the overpayment of taxes. |
Cash Paid for Interest | CashPaidInterest | Supplemental | The amount of cash paid for interest during the period. |
Effect of Currency Exchange Rate, Supplemental | EffectCurrencyExchangeRateSupplemental | Supplemental | The effect of exchange rate changes on cash balances held in foreign currencies. This supplemental item only applies to effect of currency exchange rates reported below the change in cash line. |