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Fundamental resources represent a list of tags. When a fundamental is returned from an action, regardless if it’s a single fundamental value or multiple fundamental values being returned,  it will always be wrapped within a fundamentals collection.


Attribute Type Description
filing_type String The type of the filing.
shares_outstanding Number The shares outstanding reported on the cover of the filing.
shares_outstanding_date Date (ISO8601) The date of the shares outstanding reported on the cover of the filing.
filing_link String A link to the filing on the SEC site.
statement String The tag's financial statement. Possible values: 'income_statement', 'balance_sheet_statement', 'cash_flow_statement'
reported_date Date (ISO8601) The date the filing was submitted with the regulator.
reported_time Date (ISO8601) The time the filing was submitted with the regulator.
start_period Date (ISO8601) The start date of the period. Applies only to tags with duration types.
end_period Date (ISO8601) The end date of the period.
fiscal_year Number The fiscal year of the data.
fiscal_quarter Number The fiscal quarter of the data.
annual_period Boolean Indicates if the period is an annual period.
quarter_period Boolean Indicates if the period is a quarterly period.
year_to_date_period Boolean Indicates if the period is a year-to-date period.
trailing_twelve_month_period Boolean Indicates if the period is a trailing-twelve-month period.
company Object Company information. Please see the Company Resource.
tags Array Array of fundamental values which belong to this period. Please see the Fundamental Value Resource.

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