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Search TagniFi Fundamentals


Searches for fundamental value(s) for specific fiscal periods (annual, quarter, year_to_date, or trailing_twelve_month). It also supports the ability to find fundamentals for multiple periods and statements.


Request Parameters

Attribute Description Type Required? Default Notes
company The company's ID or ticker symbol. String Yes Please use our Coverage List to search for companies with data available.
tag Returns data for a specific tag. String No Please see TagniFi Fundamentals Definitions for a list of available tags.
statement Returns all tags in the selected financial statement. String No Possible values: balance_sheet_statement, income_statement, or cash_flow_statement.
period_type The type of period to search. Valid periods include annual, quarter, year_to_date, or trailing_twelve_month. String No annual
fiscal_year The fiscal year of the period you are requesting. Number No Latest reported fiscal year
fiscal_quarter The fiscal quarter of the period you are requesting. Number No 4 This attribute is ignored if annual is specified for the period_type.
relative_period Returns data relative to the most recent data available. For example, 0 returns the most recent data available. Number No 0 (most recent period) All periods returned are relative to the specified fiscal_year and fiscal_quarter and their associated defaults.
vintage_date Point-in-time date used for back-testing, the Vintage Date will restrict the data for the selected period to use only data filed on or before the selected date. Date (ISO-8601) No Current date This date must be given in ISO-8601 date only format. Ex. 2013-03-01
industry_template The industry template for the data you are requesting. String No Commercial Possible values: commercial or banking
offset The number of rows to skip for a page of fundamentals. Number No 0
limit The number of values to return for a page of fundamentals. Number No 1 The maximum limit amount is 25.

How do I search for a specific tag?

Here is an example request for Apple's revenue Q3 of fiscal 2014:

Here is the response:

    "meta": {
        "copyright": "TagniFi, LLC. 2015"
    "fundamentals": [
            "filing_type": "10-Q",
            "filing_link": "",
            "statement": "income_statement",
            "reported_date": "2014-07-23",
            "start_period": "2014-03-30",
            "end_period": "2014-06-28",
            "fiscal_year": 2014,
            "fiscal_quarter": 3,
            "company": {
                "name": "Apple Inc",
                "id": "US0000320193",
                "ticker": "AAPL"
            "tags": [
                    "name": "Operating Revenue",
                    "tag": "revenue",
                    "value": 37432000000,
                    "transparencies": [
                            "name": "SalesRevenueNet",
                            "value": 37432000000,
                            "operator": "+",
                            "source": "xbrl_usgaap"

How do I return data for an entire financial statement?

Here is an example request for Apple's income statement for Q3 of fiscal 2014:

Here is the response:

    "meta": {
        "copyright": "TagniFi, LLC. 2015"
    "fundamentals": [
            "filing_type": "10-Q",
            "filing_link": "",
            "statement": "income_statement",
            "reported_date": "2014-07-23",
            "start_period": "2014-03-30",
            "end_period": "2014-06-28",
            "fiscal_year": 2014,
            "fiscal_quarter": 3,
            "company": {
                "name": "Apple Inc",
                "id": "US0000320193",
                "ticker": "AAPL"
            "tags": [
                    "name": "Net Income (Loss) Attributable to Common Shareholders, As Reported",
                    "tag": "netincomelossattributablecommonshareholdersasreported",
                    "value": 7748000000,
                    "transparencies": [
                            "name": "NetIncomeLoss",
                            "value": 7748000000,
                            "operator": "+",
                            "source": "xbrl_usgaap"
                    "name": "Diluted Shares Outstanding",
                    "tag": "dilutedsharesoutstanding",
                    "value": 6051711000,
                    "transparencies": [
                            "name": "WeightedAverageNumberOfDilutedSharesOutstanding",
                            "value": 6051711000,
                            "operator": "+",
                            "source": "xbrl_usgaap"
                    "name": "Income Before Income Taxes",
                    "tag": "incomebeforeincometaxes",
                    "value": 10484000000,
                    "transparencies": [
                            "name": "Operating Income",
                            "value": 10282000000,
                            "operator": "+",
                            "source": "tagnifi_fundamentals"
                            "name": "Total Other Income (Expense)",
                            "value": 202000000,
                            "operator": "+",
                            "source": "tagnifi_fundamentals"
                    "name": "Diluted Earnings Per Share, As Reported",
                    "tag": "dilutedearningspershare",
                    "value": 1.28,
                    "transparencies": [
                            "name": "EarningsPerShareDiluted",
                            "value": 1.28,
                            "operator": "+",
                            "source": "xbrl_usgaap"
                    "name": "Gross Profit, As Reported",
                    "tag": "grossprofitasreported",
                    "value": 14735000000,
                    "transparencies": [
                            "name": "GrossProfit",
                            "value": 14735000000,
                            "operator": "+",
                            "source": "xbrl_usgaap"
                    "name": "Total Operating Expenses",
                    "tag": "totaloperatingexpenses",
                    "value": 4453000000,
                    "transparencies": [
                            "name": "Selling, General and Administrative",
                            "value": 2850000000,
                            "operator": "+",
                            "source": "tagnifi_fundamentals"
                            "name": "Research and Development",
                            "value": 1603000000,
                            "operator": "+",
                            "source": "tagnifi_fundamentals"
                    "name": "Research and Development",
                    "tag": "researchdevelopment",
                    "value": 1603000000,
                    "transparencies": [
                            "name": "ResearchAndDevelopmentExpense",
                            "value": 1603000000,
                            "operator": "+",
                            "source": "xbrl_usgaap"
                    "name": "Operating Revenue",
                    "tag": "revenue",
                    "value": 37432000000,
                    "transparencies": [
                            "name": "SalesRevenueNet",
                            "value": 37432000000,
                            "operator": "+",
                            "source": "xbrl_usgaap"
                    "name": "Operating Income, As Reported",
                    "tag": "operatingincomeasreported",
                    "value": 10282000000,
                    "transparencies": [
                            "name": "OperatingIncomeLoss",
                            "value": 10282000000,
                            "operator": "+",
                            "source": "xbrl_usgaap"
                    "name": "Income Taxes",
                    "tag": "incometaxes",
                    "value": 2736000000,
                    "transparencies": [
                            "name": "IncomeTaxExpenseBenefit",
                            "value": 2736000000,
                            "operator": "+",
                            "source": "xbrl_usgaap"
                    "name": "Basic Shares Outstanding",
                    "tag": "basicsharesoutstanding",
                    "value": 6012635000,
                    "transparencies": [
                            "name": "WeightedAverageNumberOfSharesOutstandingBasic",
                            "value": 6012635000,
                            "operator": "+",
                            "source": "xbrl_usgaap"
                    "name": "Net Income (Loss) Attributable to Common Shareholders, Basic",
                    "tag": "netincomelossattributablecommonshareholders",
                    "value": 7748000000,
                    "transparencies": [
                            "name": "Consolidated Net Income (Loss)",
                            "value": 7748000000,
                            "operator": "+",
                            "source": "tagnifi_fundamentals"
                    "name": "Other Income (Expense)",
                    "tag": "otherexpenseincome",
                    "value": 202000000,
                    "transparencies": [
                            "name": "NonoperatingIncomeExpense",
                            "value": 202000000,
                            "operator": "+",
                            "source": "xbrl_usgaap"
                    "name": "Income Before Taxes, As Reported",
                    "tag": "incomebeforetaxesasreported",
                    "value": 10484000000,
                    "transparencies": [
                            "name": "IncomeLossFromContinuingOperationsBeforeIncomeTaxesExtraordinaryItemsNoncontrollingInterest",
                            "value": 10484000000,
                            "operator": "+",
                            "source": "xbrl_usgaap"
                    "name": "Total Other Income (Expense)",
                    "tag": "totalotherincomeexpense",
                    "value": 202000000,
                    "transparencies": [
                            "name": "Other Income (Expense)",
                            "value": 202000000,
                            "operator": "+",
                            "source": "tagnifi_fundamentals"
                    "name": "Gross Profit",
                    "tag": "grossprofit",
                    "value": 14735000000,
                    "transparencies": [
                            "name": "Operating Revenue",
                            "value": 37432000000,
                            "operator": "+",
                            "source": "tagnifi_fundamentals"
                            "name": "Cost of Revenue",
                            "value": 22697000000,
                            "operator": "-",
                            "source": "tagnifi_fundamentals"
                    "name": "Selling, General and Administrative",
                    "tag": "sellinggeneraladministrative",
                    "value": 2850000000,
                    "transparencies": [
                            "name": "SellingGeneralAndAdministrativeExpense",
                            "value": 2850000000,
                            "operator": "+",
                            "source": "xbrl_usgaap"
                    "name": "Total Operating Expenses, As Reported",
                    "tag": "totaloperatingexpensesasreported",
                    "value": 4453000000,
                    "transparencies": [
                            "name": "OperatingExpenses",
                            "value": 4453000000,
                            "operator": "+",
                            "source": "xbrl_usgaap"
                    "name": "Basic Earnings Per Share, As Reported",
                    "tag": "basicearningspershare",
                    "value": 1.29,
                    "transparencies": [
                            "name": "EarningsPerShareBasic",
                            "value": 1.29,
                            "operator": "+",
                            "source": "xbrl_usgaap"
                    "name": "Net Income (Loss) Attributable to Common Shareholders, Diluted",
                    "tag": "netincomelossattributablecommonshareholdersdiluted",
                    "value": 7748000000,
                    "transparencies": [
                            "name": "Net Income (Loss) Attributable to Common Shareholders, Basic",
                            "value": 7748000000,
                            "operator": "+",
                            "source": "tagnifi_fundamentals"
                    "name": "Consolidated Net Income (Loss)",
                    "tag": "consolidatednetincomeloss",
                    "value": 7748000000,
                    "transparencies": [
                            "name": "Income Before Income Taxes",
                            "value": 10484000000,
                            "operator": "+",
                            "source": "tagnifi_fundamentals"
                            "name": "Income Taxes",
                            "value": 2736000000,
                            "operator": "-",
                            "source": "tagnifi_fundamentals"
                    "name": "Common Stock Dividends Declared",
                    "tag": "commonstockdividendsdeclared",
                    "value": 0.47,
                    "transparencies": [
                            "name": "CommonStockDividendsPerShareDeclared",
                            "value": 0.47,
                            "operator": "+",
                            "source": "xbrl_usgaap"
                    "name": "Cost of Revenue",
                    "tag": "costofrevenue",
                    "value": 22697000000,
                    "transparencies": [
                            "name": "CostOfGoodsAndServicesSold",
                            "value": 22697000000,
                            "operator": "+",
                            "source": "xbrl_usgaap"
                    "name": "Operating Income",
                    "tag": "operatingincome",
                    "value": 10282000000,
                    "transparencies": [
                            "name": "Gross Profit",
                            "value": 14735000000,
                            "operator": "+",
                            "source": "tagnifi_fundamentals"
                            "name": "Total Operating Expenses",
                            "value": 4453000000,
                            "operator": "-",
                            "source": "tagnifi_fundamentals"

How do I return data for multiple periods?

Here is an example request for Apple's revenue for fiscal 2014 and the preceding two years:

Here is the response:

    "meta": {
        "copyright": "TagniFi, LLC. 2015"
    "fundamentals": [
            "filing_type": "10-K",
            "filing_link": "",
            "statement": "income_statement",
            "reported_date": "2014-10-27",
            "start_period": "2013-09-29",
            "end_period": "2014-09-27",
            "fiscal_year": 2014,
            "fiscal_quarter": 4,
            "company": {
                "name": "Apple Inc",
                "id": "US0000320193",
                "ticker": "AAPL"
            "tags": [
                    "name": "Operating Revenue",
                    "tag": "revenue",
                    "value": 182795000000,
                    "transparencies": [
                            "name": "SalesRevenueNet",
                            "value": 182795000000,
                            "operator": "+",
                            "source": "xbrl_usgaap"
            "filing_type": "10-K",
            "filing_link": "",
            "statement": "income_statement",
            "reported_date": "2014-10-27",
            "start_period": "2012-09-30",
            "end_period": "2013-09-28",
            "fiscal_year": 2013,
            "fiscal_quarter": 4,
            "company": {
                "name": "Apple Inc",
                "id": "US0000320193",
                "ticker": "AAPL"
            "tags": [
                    "name": "Operating Revenue",
                    "tag": "revenue",
                    "value": 170910000000,
                    "transparencies": [
                            "name": "SalesRevenueNet",
                            "value": 170910000000,
                            "operator": "+",
                            "source": "xbrl_usgaap"
            "filing_type": "10-K",
            "filing_link": "",
            "statement": "income_statement",
            "reported_date": "2014-10-27",
            "start_period": "2011-09-25",
            "end_period": "2012-09-29",
            "fiscal_year": 2012,
            "fiscal_quarter": 4,
            "company": {
                "name": "Apple Inc",
                "id": "US0000320193",
                "ticker": "AAPL"
            "tags": [
                    "name": "Operating Revenue",
                    "tag": "revenue",
                    "value": 156508000000,
                    "transparencies": [
                            "name": "SalesRevenueNet",
                            "value": 156508000000,
                            "operator": "+",
                            "source": "xbrl_usgaap"

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