Search TagniFi Fundamentals
Searches for fundamental value(s) for specific fiscal periods (annual, quarter, year_to_date, or trailing_twelve_month). It also supports the ability to find fundamentals for multiple periods and statements.
Request Parameters
Attribute | Description | Type | Required? | Default | Notes |
company | The company's ID or ticker symbol. | String | Yes | Please use our Coverage List to search for companies with data available. | |
tag | Returns data for a specific tag. | String | No | Please see TagniFi Fundamentals Definitions for a list of available tags. | |
statement | Returns all tags in the selected financial statement. | String | No | Possible values: balance_sheet_statement, income_statement, or cash_flow_statement. | |
period_type | The type of period to search. Valid periods include annual, quarter, year_to_date, or trailing_twelve_month. | String | No | annual | |
fiscal_year | The fiscal year of the period you are requesting. | Number | No | Latest reported fiscal year | |
fiscal_quarter | The fiscal quarter of the period you are requesting. | Number | No | 4 | This attribute is ignored if annual is specified for the period_type. |
relative_period | Returns data relative to the most recent data available. For example, 0 returns the most recent data available. | Number | No | 0 (most recent period) | All periods returned are relative to the specified fiscal_year and fiscal_quarter and their associated defaults. |
vintage_date | Point-in-time date used for back-testing, the Vintage Date will restrict the data for the selected period to use only data filed on or before the selected date. | Date (ISO-8601) | No | Current date | This date must be given in ISO-8601 date only format. Ex. 2013-03-01 |
industry_template | The industry template for the data you are requesting. | String | No | Commercial | Possible values: commercial or banking |
offset | The number of rows to skip for a page of fundamentals. | Number | No | 0 | |
limit | The number of values to return for a page of fundamentals. | Number | No | 1 | The maximum limit amount is 25. |
How do I search for a specific tag?
Here is an example request for Apple's revenue Q3 of fiscal 2014:
Here is the response:
{ "meta": { "copyright": "TagniFi, LLC. 2015" }, "fundamentals": [ { "filing_type": "10-Q", "filing_link": "", "statement": "income_statement", "reported_date": "2014-07-23", "start_period": "2014-03-30", "end_period": "2014-06-28", "fiscal_year": 2014, "fiscal_quarter": 3, "company": { "name": "Apple Inc", "id": "US0000320193", "ticker": "AAPL" }, "tags": [ { "name": "Operating Revenue", "tag": "revenue", "value": 37432000000, "transparencies": [ { "name": "SalesRevenueNet", "value": 37432000000, "operator": "+", "source": "xbrl_usgaap" } ] } ] } ] }
How do I return data for an entire financial statement?
Here is an example request for Apple's income statement for Q3 of fiscal 2014:
Here is the response:
{ "meta": { "copyright": "TagniFi, LLC. 2015" }, "fundamentals": [ { "filing_type": "10-Q", "filing_link": "", "statement": "income_statement", "reported_date": "2014-07-23", "start_period": "2014-03-30", "end_period": "2014-06-28", "fiscal_year": 2014, "fiscal_quarter": 3, "company": { "name": "Apple Inc", "id": "US0000320193", "ticker": "AAPL" }, "tags": [ { "name": "Net Income (Loss) Attributable to Common Shareholders, As Reported", "tag": "netincomelossattributablecommonshareholdersasreported", "value": 7748000000, "transparencies": [ { "name": "NetIncomeLoss", "value": 7748000000, "operator": "+", "source": "xbrl_usgaap" } ] }, { "name": "Diluted Shares Outstanding", "tag": "dilutedsharesoutstanding", "value": 6051711000, "transparencies": [ { "name": "WeightedAverageNumberOfDilutedSharesOutstanding", "value": 6051711000, "operator": "+", "source": "xbrl_usgaap" } ] }, { "name": "Income Before Income Taxes", "tag": "incomebeforeincometaxes", "value": 10484000000, "transparencies": [ { "name": "Operating Income", "value": 10282000000, "operator": "+", "source": "tagnifi_fundamentals" }, { "name": "Total Other Income (Expense)", "value": 202000000, "operator": "+", "source": "tagnifi_fundamentals" } ] }, { "name": "Diluted Earnings Per Share, As Reported", "tag": "dilutedearningspershare", "value": 1.28, "transparencies": [ { "name": "EarningsPerShareDiluted", "value": 1.28, "operator": "+", "source": "xbrl_usgaap" } ] }, { "name": "Gross Profit, As Reported", "tag": "grossprofitasreported", "value": 14735000000, "transparencies": [ { "name": "GrossProfit", "value": 14735000000, "operator": "+", "source": "xbrl_usgaap" } ] }, { "name": "Total Operating Expenses", "tag": "totaloperatingexpenses", "value": 4453000000, "transparencies": [ { "name": "Selling, General and Administrative", "value": 2850000000, "operator": "+", "source": "tagnifi_fundamentals" }, { "name": "Research and Development", "value": 1603000000, "operator": "+", "source": "tagnifi_fundamentals" } ] }, { "name": "Research and Development", "tag": "researchdevelopment", "value": 1603000000, "transparencies": [ { "name": "ResearchAndDevelopmentExpense", "value": 1603000000, "operator": "+", "source": "xbrl_usgaap" } ] }, { "name": "Operating Revenue", "tag": "revenue", "value": 37432000000, "transparencies": [ { "name": "SalesRevenueNet", "value": 37432000000, "operator": "+", "source": "xbrl_usgaap" } ] }, { "name": "Operating Income, As Reported", "tag": "operatingincomeasreported", "value": 10282000000, "transparencies": [ { "name": "OperatingIncomeLoss", "value": 10282000000, "operator": "+", "source": "xbrl_usgaap" } ] }, { "name": "Income Taxes", "tag": "incometaxes", "value": 2736000000, "transparencies": [ { "name": "IncomeTaxExpenseBenefit", "value": 2736000000, "operator": "+", "source": "xbrl_usgaap" } ] }, { "name": "Basic Shares Outstanding", "tag": "basicsharesoutstanding", "value": 6012635000, "transparencies": [ { "name": "WeightedAverageNumberOfSharesOutstandingBasic", "value": 6012635000, "operator": "+", "source": "xbrl_usgaap" } ] }, { "name": "Net Income (Loss) Attributable to Common Shareholders, Basic", "tag": "netincomelossattributablecommonshareholders", "value": 7748000000, "transparencies": [ { "name": "Consolidated Net Income (Loss)", "value": 7748000000, "operator": "+", "source": "tagnifi_fundamentals" } ] }, { "name": "Other Income (Expense)", "tag": "otherexpenseincome", "value": 202000000, "transparencies": [ { "name": "NonoperatingIncomeExpense", "value": 202000000, "operator": "+", "source": "xbrl_usgaap" } ] }, { "name": "Income Before Taxes, As Reported", "tag": "incomebeforetaxesasreported", "value": 10484000000, "transparencies": [ { "name": "IncomeLossFromContinuingOperationsBeforeIncomeTaxesExtraordinaryItemsNoncontrollingInterest", "value": 10484000000, "operator": "+", "source": "xbrl_usgaap" } ] }, { "name": "Total Other Income (Expense)", "tag": "totalotherincomeexpense", "value": 202000000, "transparencies": [ { "name": "Other Income (Expense)", "value": 202000000, "operator": "+", "source": "tagnifi_fundamentals" } ] }, { "name": "Gross Profit", "tag": "grossprofit", "value": 14735000000, "transparencies": [ { "name": "Operating Revenue", "value": 37432000000, "operator": "+", "source": "tagnifi_fundamentals" }, { "name": "Cost of Revenue", "value": 22697000000, "operator": "-", "source": "tagnifi_fundamentals" } ] }, { "name": "Selling, General and Administrative", "tag": "sellinggeneraladministrative", "value": 2850000000, "transparencies": [ { "name": "SellingGeneralAndAdministrativeExpense", "value": 2850000000, "operator": "+", "source": "xbrl_usgaap" } ] }, { "name": "Total Operating Expenses, As Reported", "tag": "totaloperatingexpensesasreported", "value": 4453000000, "transparencies": [ { "name": "OperatingExpenses", "value": 4453000000, "operator": "+", "source": "xbrl_usgaap" } ] }, { "name": "Basic Earnings Per Share, As Reported", "tag": "basicearningspershare", "value": 1.29, "transparencies": [ { "name": "EarningsPerShareBasic", "value": 1.29, "operator": "+", "source": "xbrl_usgaap" } ] }, { "name": "Net Income (Loss) Attributable to Common Shareholders, Diluted", "tag": "netincomelossattributablecommonshareholdersdiluted", "value": 7748000000, "transparencies": [ { "name": "Net Income (Loss) Attributable to Common Shareholders, Basic", "value": 7748000000, "operator": "+", "source": "tagnifi_fundamentals" } ] }, { "name": "Consolidated Net Income (Loss)", "tag": "consolidatednetincomeloss", "value": 7748000000, "transparencies": [ { "name": "Income Before Income Taxes", "value": 10484000000, "operator": "+", "source": "tagnifi_fundamentals" }, { "name": "Income Taxes", "value": 2736000000, "operator": "-", "source": "tagnifi_fundamentals" } ] }, { "name": "Common Stock Dividends Declared", "tag": "commonstockdividendsdeclared", "value": 0.47, "transparencies": [ { "name": "CommonStockDividendsPerShareDeclared", "value": 0.47, "operator": "+", "source": "xbrl_usgaap" } ] }, { "name": "Cost of Revenue", "tag": "costofrevenue", "value": 22697000000, "transparencies": [ { "name": "CostOfGoodsAndServicesSold", "value": 22697000000, "operator": "+", "source": "xbrl_usgaap" } ] }, { "name": "Operating Income", "tag": "operatingincome", "value": 10282000000, "transparencies": [ { "name": "Gross Profit", "value": 14735000000, "operator": "+", "source": "tagnifi_fundamentals" }, { "name": "Total Operating Expenses", "value": 4453000000, "operator": "-", "source": "tagnifi_fundamentals" } ] } ] } ] }
How do I return data for multiple periods?
Here is an example request for Apple's revenue for fiscal 2014 and the preceding two years:
Here is the response:
{ "meta": { "copyright": "TagniFi, LLC. 2015" }, "fundamentals": [ { "filing_type": "10-K", "filing_link": "", "statement": "income_statement", "reported_date": "2014-10-27", "start_period": "2013-09-29", "end_period": "2014-09-27", "fiscal_year": 2014, "fiscal_quarter": 4, "company": { "name": "Apple Inc", "id": "US0000320193", "ticker": "AAPL" }, "tags": [ { "name": "Operating Revenue", "tag": "revenue", "value": 182795000000, "transparencies": [ { "name": "SalesRevenueNet", "value": 182795000000, "operator": "+", "source": "xbrl_usgaap" } ] } ] }, { "filing_type": "10-K", "filing_link": "", "statement": "income_statement", "reported_date": "2014-10-27", "start_period": "2012-09-30", "end_period": "2013-09-28", "fiscal_year": 2013, "fiscal_quarter": 4, "company": { "name": "Apple Inc", "id": "US0000320193", "ticker": "AAPL" }, "tags": [ { "name": "Operating Revenue", "tag": "revenue", "value": 170910000000, "transparencies": [ { "name": "SalesRevenueNet", "value": 170910000000, "operator": "+", "source": "xbrl_usgaap" } ] } ] }, { "filing_type": "10-K", "filing_link": "", "statement": "income_statement", "reported_date": "2014-10-27", "start_period": "2011-09-25", "end_period": "2012-09-29", "fiscal_year": 2012, "fiscal_quarter": 4, "company": { "name": "Apple Inc", "id": "US0000320193", "ticker": "AAPL" }, "tags": [ { "name": "Operating Revenue", "tag": "revenue", "value": 156508000000, "transparencies": [ { "name": "SalesRevenueNet", "value": 156508000000, "operator": "+", "source": "xbrl_usgaap" } ] } ] } ] }