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Get Covered Companies


Returns all covered companies in the TagniFi Fundamentals or Footnotes dataset.


Request Parameters

Attribute Description Type Required? Default Notes
dataset The covered companies financial dataset. String No fundamentals Only 'fundamentals' or 'footnotes' are allowed.
last_updated Return recently modified covered companies since this date. Date (ISO8601) No
Returns all covered companies via paging.
offset The number of covered companies to skip. Integer No 0
limit The number of covered companies to return. Integer No 500 The maximum limit value is 500.


The response includes the information necessary to collect all data available for each company covered in the TagniFi Fundamentals or Footnotes dataset.

    "meta": {
        "copyright": "TagniFi, LLC. 2015-2017"
    "paging": {
        "results_count": 7330,
        "results_start": 1,
        "results_end": 500
    "companies": [
            "name": "APPLE INC",
            "id": "US0000320193",
            "industry_template": "commercial",
            "ticker": "AAPL",
            "history_link": "/footnotes/history?company=US0000320193"
            "name": "BOEING CO",
            "id": "US0000012927",
            "industry_template": "commercial",
            "ticker": "BA",
            "history_link": "/footnotes/history?company=US0000012927"
            "name": "CATERPILLAR INC",
            "id": "US0000018230",
            "industry_template": "commercial",
            "ticker": "CAT",
            "history_link": "/footnotes/history?company=US0000018230"

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