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Product Warranties

Product Warranties tags have annual and quarter period types.

Statement name: product_warranties_section

Name Tag Definition
Beginning Product Warranty Liability BeginningProductWarrantyLiability Beginning carrying value of obligations incurred through that date and payable for estimated claims under standard and extended warranty protection rights granted to customers.
Product Warranty Claims Paid ProductWarrantyClaimsPaid Represents the aggregate decrease in the liability related to payments to satisfy claims for standard and extended product warranties.
Product Warranty Accruals ProductWarrantyAccruals Represents the aggregate increase in the liability for accruals related to standard and extended product warranties issued during the reporting period.
Product Warranty Adjustments and Other ProductWarrantyAdjustmentsOther Represents the aggregate Increase or Decrease in the liability during the reporting period for accruals related to preexisting standard and extended product warranties (including adjustments for changes in estimates).
Ending Product Warranty Liability EndingProductWarrantyLiability Ending carrying value of obligations incurred through that date and payable for estimated claims under standard and extended warranty protection rights granted to customers.

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