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Pension Benefit Obligation Assumptions

Pension Benefit Obligation Assumptions tags have  annual period types.

Statement name: pension_benefit_obligation_assumptions_section

Name Tag Definition
Pension Benefit Obligation Assumptions - Discount Rate PensionBenefitObligationAssumptionsDiscountRate The interest rate used to adjust for the time value of money for pension benefits plan.
Pension Benefit Obligation Assumptions - Rate Of Compensation Increase PensionBenefitObligationAssumptionsRateCompensationIncrease Expected rate of compensation increases for pension benefit plans.
Other Benefit Obligation Assumptions - Discount Rate OtherBenefitObligationAssumptionsDiscountRate The interest rate used to adjust for the time value of money for the other benefits plan.
Other Benefit Obligation Assumptions - Rate Of Compensation Increase OtherBenefitObligationAssumptionsRateCompensationIncrease Expected rate of compensation increases for other benefit plans.

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