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Income Taxes

Income Taxes tags have   quarterannual and year-to-date period types.

Statement name: income_taxes_section

Name Tag Definition
Federal Income Taxes, Current FederalIncomeTaxesCurrent Amount of current federal income tax expense (benefit) pertaining to income (loss) from continuing operations.
Federal Income Taxes, Deferred FederalIncomeTaxesDeferred Amount of deferred federal income tax expense (benefit) pertaining to income (loss) from continuing operations.
Federal Income Taxes, Total FederalIncomeTaxesTotal Amount of current and deferred federal income tax expense (benefit) attributable to income (loss) from continuing operations.
State Income Taxes, Current StateIncomeTaxesCurrent Amount of current state and local income tax expense (benefit) pertaining to income (loss) from continuing operations.
State Income Taxes, Deferred StateIncomeTaxesDeferred Amount of deferred state and local income tax expense (benefit) pertaining to income (loss) from continuing operations.
State Income Taxes, Total StateIncomeTaxesTotal Amount of current and deferred state and local income tax expense (benefit) attributable to income (loss) from continuing operations.
Foreign Income Taxes, Current ForeignIncomeTaxesCurrent Amount of current foreign income tax expense (benefit) pertaining to income (loss) from continuing operations.
Foreign Income Taxes, Deferred ForeignIncomeTaxesDeferred Amount of deferred foreign income tax expense (benefit) pertaining to income (loss) from continuing operations.
Foreign Income Taxes, Total ForeignIncomeTaxesTotal Amount of current and deferred foreign income tax expense (benefit) attributable to income (loss) from continuing operations.
Other Income Taxes, Current OtherIncomeTaxesCurrent Amount of current other income tax expense (benefit) pertaining to income (loss) from continuing operations.
Other Income Taxes, Deferred OtherIncomeTaxesDeferred Amount of deferred other income tax expense (benefit) pertaining to income (loss) from continuing operations.
Other Income Taxes, Total OtherIncomeTaxesTotal Amount of total other income tax expense (benefit) pertaining to income (loss) from continuing operations.
Income Taxes, Total IncomeTaxesTotal Amount of current and deferred income tax expense (benefit) attributable to income (loss) from continuing operations.
Effective Income Tax Rate EffectiveIncomeTaxRate Percentage of domestic federal statutory tax rate applicable to pretax income (loss).

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